Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Are You In Alignment?

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those of you who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase

Being in alignment with your desires and goals from the inside out will help you to achieve whatever it is you want in life. The problem is that most people do the opposite. They have a conscious desire to find a relationship, get out of debt, lose weight, heal from heartache or whatever the case may be.

However, their inner beliefs are what stop them from getting what they desire. For example, let's say you want to meet someone to share your life with. You've put yourself out there but yet you still come up empty handed so to speak. Well, nine times out of ten it's because your inner dialogue goes something like this: "I really want to meet someone but I'm getting too old. No one will want someone with three kids. I've tried but all the good ones are taken. Who am I kidding I'm a loser at love."

Or, say you want to lose weight but the only thing you've lost is time wishing you would lose it. Your inner dialogue might be: "It's too hard to lose weight. I don't have time to exercise. Food is my only pleasure in life. No matter what I do I know I will only gain it back. Exercise is too difficult to start now."

Now here's the deal, beliefs are thoughts that you tell yourself over and over again whether they are true or not. And, if you continue to believe them and internally repeat them that is exactly what you will create and exactly what you will experience.

Even though you consciously say, I want whatever it is, internally you are not in true alignment with what you desire. Therefore, that is why you are still in the same position living your life with what you don't want!

Worse yet, because most times you are more focused on the problem or lack of something you want in your life, you are attracting more of what you stay focused on.

How do you get yourself in alignment with what you want? Start to focus on what you want instead of what you don't want and stop making excuses in your mind as to why you will never have it.

If you change your mind, if you change that inner dialogue and start to believe it before you see it, you will begin to experience it in time. If you don't believe what I'm saying, look at what you ARE focused on (lack, debt, no love, heartache, excess weight, etc.) and I bet it's exactly what you are living!

Changing that inner dialogue does take some conscious effort to flip the script but if you don't do it, start to accept your life just the way it is and learn to like it. On the other hand, if you truly want to live a better life then start to believe you can and each time you start to walk down the It-Will-Never-Happen-For-Me Lane, instead steer your mind to the I-Know-I-Can-Do-This Highway and go for the ride of your life.

Make your thoughts serve you to bring about what you truly want instead of limiting you to what you already have and don't want. The Law of Attraction, as cliché as some may think, is alive and well and you are living proof of it. Keep your mind focused on where you want to go and how you want to live, release the fear and worry that go along with lack and wanting. When you are in a state of wanting, you send that vibe out into the world and it will only bring back to you more wanting.

If you get your conscious desires and your internal thoughts in alignment, that harmonious vibration will bring about the kinds of changes in your life that you used to believe would never happen.

We all have a choice as to what we say to ourselves about any given situation, so choose your thoughts wisely for they have the power to make a difference in how you experience your life!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Toluca Mexico – Serene City yet Attractions Speak!

Author: Linden Gray

 Whether you love extreme sports or an avid eco tourist; you are fond of archeology or nature entices you; Toluca is the place you should not miss out on. The beautiful and tranquil city is located at the highest point in Mexico. Canadian travelers love to visit the city due to its proximity to Mexico City, the lively capital. While exploring through the city, you will come across perfect blend of old and new. Old buildings in the city feature French neo classical architecture. University in the city and industrial infrastructure exhibits perfect example of modern and luxurious architecture.

Are you relying on your existing US or Canadian auto policy while driving vehicle in Toluca? If your answer is yes, you might find yourself in big legal mess because Mexican authorities do not honor foreign policies and you need Mexican car insurance to pay off the damages in an event of an auto accident.

Toluca Mexico – Serene City travel tips come with a reminder to purchase Mexican Car Insurance before your travel begins. Driving within Mexico is not that big a deal, but car accidents without Mexican auto insurance coverage sure can be because your normal auto insurance is invalid. Mexican Auto Insurance is the least expensive option with the most reliable coverage, making sure your vacation dollars go farther. Compare the best Mexican insurance programs carefully Look for coverage that allows you to repair damage to your vehicle in US and Canada, will take the claim into the US to finalize and has car rental. On the best websites you can buy on demand and print your Mexican Insurance policy immediately after purchase.

If you want some change from monotonous fast paced city life, Toluca has variety of attractions to offer. One of the major natural attractions of the city is the national park of Bosencheve. Drive for around 40 miles towards the northeast of the city and you will reach the national park which is the most important water source for the valleys of Mexico. Canadian wanderers never miss out on visiting the national park as they get to enjoy camping while admiring the beautiful natural backdrop. You can explore through indigenous flora and fauna in the park. Wildlife lovers get immense amount of mammals, reptiles and bird species.

Another national park which is worth visiting in the area is the national park of Nevado de Toluca. The park is home to fourth highest mountain in country. In the Toluca valley region this is the one of the most important natural areas. Adventure enthusiasts from Canada find Los Venados, the recreational one of the best aspect of the national park. Rich archeology is another factor that brings tourists from all over the world to the city in large numbers. Archeological zone of Teotenango is not worth missing if you want to explore through ancient pieces unveiling the enigmatic life of Matlatzincas. Other important archeological sites in the city are Zone of Malinalco and zone of Calixtlahuaca.

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About the AuthorAuthor Linden Gray founder of Mexican Insurance is an international online insurance veteran with over 29 years of wholesale, retail, and direct insurance experience. Mr. Gray has been featured in numerous offline & online publications including RV Magazine, The Press Enterprise,, Google News, Yahoo News, Reddit, Digg and Buzzle. Visit Mexican Insurance for more facinating information about Mexico and Mexico Auto Insurance.